Lesson Details
Schmooze! Gab! Talk!
Instructor: Jhing Jhing
Description: Students are free to select any news story and topic. Students are free to select any news story and topic. This class encourages free discussion and brainstorming of ideas, thoughts, and opinions.
Description(Japanese translation):. Students are free to choose any news article or topic they wish. The class will encourage free discussion and brainstorming of ideas, thoughts and opinions.
*Japanese translations are made using machine translation technology. Please understand that there may be mistranslations or sentences not intended by the instructor.
Languages: English English
Time per session: 25 min. 25 minutes
Required points: 500 500 points
Reviewed by. Kumi_ym
Date:. Apr 02, 2024 23:42:01
Rating: 1 ★★★★★
Comments:. Review completed. Thank you very much. I am happy to have had a very enjoyable lesson.