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キャンセルとスケジュール変更に関するポリシー – Yubikitas

Teachers are not permitted to establish their own rules.

Yubikitas cancellation and rescheduling rules apply to all teachers and students. Teachers are not allowed to create their own rules.

When you receive a lesson booking from a student, please conduct the lesson responsibly as scheduled. However, be aware that rescheduling or cancelling may negatively affect your reputation with the student, potentially leading to no further bookings from them in the future. Changes or cancellations are not allowed within 24 hours of the lesson start time. Changes or cancellations are not allowed within 24 hours of the lesson start time.

If a lesson is scheduled by a student, please be responsible and perform the lesson as reserved. If you wish to change or cancel a lesson, you may do so up to 24 hours before the lesson starts. However, if you change or cancel the lesson, your impression of the lesson may become bad, for example, you may not be able to get a reservation from that student in the next and subsequent lessons. Changes or cancellations are not allowed within 24 hours of the lesson start time. Please be responsible for scheduling your lessons.

Lessons can be rescheduled by either the student or the instructor if it is more than 24 hours before the lesson start time. Additionally, lessons can be cancelled by either side. (This can be done through your My Page.)

Lessons can be rescheduled by either the student or the instructor at least 24 hours prior to the lesson start time. Lessons can also be canceled from either side. (You can do this from My Page.)

Changes or cancellations of the lesson cannot be made within 24 hours of the lesson start time. If there are any issues after the lesson has ended, please If there are any issues after the lesson has ended, please contact the Yubikitas administrator within 3 days from the scheduled time via My Page → 'Details' for each lesson → 'Report a Problem.

Lesson changes or cancellations are not allowed within 24 hours of the lesson. If you have any problems after the lesson, please contact the Yubikitas administrator within 3 days of the reserved lesson time by clicking on "My Page" -> "Details" of each lesson -> "Report a Problem".

In the case of a multi-lesson package, once the first lesson has been attended, it is not possible to cancel any of the remaining lessons. Only rescheduling is allowed.

For multiple lesson packages, after the first lesson is taken, all lessons cannot be cancelled, only changes can be made.

Lesson Procedures

Regarding the progress of the lesson

To avoid any issues, please confirm your time zone and the scheduled date and time of the lesson. If you need to communicate with the student before the lesson starts, please do so via My Page → 'Details' for each lesson → Messages.

To avoid problems, please check your time zone and the date and time of the reserved lesson. If you need to contact a student before the lesson starts, please go to "My Page" -> "Details" of each lesson -> Message.

Begin and end your lessons punctually.

Lessons should start and end on time.

Notify students of the end of the lesson time before it concludes.

Before the end of the lesson, inform the student of the end time.

After the lesson has ended, please send feedback to the student within 2 days. If no feedback is provided and 2 days have passed, your rating will automatically decrease.

After the lesson, please send feedback to the student within 2 days of the lesson. If two days pass without feedback, your evaluation will be automatically lowered. Feedback can be sent from "My Page" -> "Details" of each lesson.

If Your Student Is Late

If the student is late

Even if the student is late, you must still provide the lesson for the entire booked duration. For example: If the lesson is booked from 10:00 to 10:25 and the student joins at 10:15, please conduct the lesson for the remaining duration. For example: If the lesson is booked from 10:00 to 10:25 and the student joins at 10:15, please conduct the lesson for the remaining 10 minutes and end as scheduled at 10:25.

If a student arrives late, you must still provide the reserved lesson time. However, you do not have to make up the time lost due to tardiness, nor do you have to continue the lesson beyond the reserved time. Example: If the reserved lesson time is 10:00-10:25 and the student joins the lesson at 10:15, you should only provide the remaining 10 minutes of the lesson and finish at 10:25 as scheduled.

If the lesson does not proceed as planned

If the lesson does not go as planned

If a lesson cannot be conducted as scheduled, please resolve the issue between the student and the instructor. Keep details of any problematic lessons, such as recordings and message exchanges, for instances where mediation by Communication can be made via My Page → 'Details' for each lesson → Messages.

If a lesson cannot be scheduled, please resolve the issue between the student and the instructor. You can contact the tutor by going to "My Page" -> "Details" of each lesson -> Message. Please keep the details of the problematic lesson (recordings, messages, etc.) in case Yubikitas needs to intervene.

- Regardless of the reason, if a student fails to attend a lesson, the instructor is entitled to receive their payment. However, if the student informs you in advance about unavoidable absence due to reasons such as accidents or emergencies, considering a reschedule may positively impact your reputation. In the Yubikitas, although cancellations or changes of lessons within 24 hours are generally not permitted, if a lesson cannot be conducted due to the instructor's circumstances, both instructor and student will be notified. In the Yubikitas, although cancellations or changes of lessons within 24 hours are generally not permitted, if a lesson cannot be conducted due to the instructor's circumstances, both instructor and student are allowed to directly communicate and reschedule the lesson through their respective 'My page' details, under their own responsibility

- If a student misses a lesson for any reason, the instructor will still receive his/her compensation. Yubikitas does not permit lesson cancellations or rescheduling within 24 hours of the lesson, However, if a lesson cannot be rescheduled due to the tutor's circumstances, it is the responsibility of both the tutor and the student to contact each other directly through the details on the "My page" to reschedule the lesson.